Monday, July 27, 2015


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It should first be said that Ant-Man has a much smaller scale than previous movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that’s actually a little refreshing. All of the actors in the movie bring their best, and some of the action sequences are pretty fun. I was a touch worried about what would happen with some of the behind the scenes stuff. The final result was, in my opinion still a very good film. The parallels and dynamic between Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang and Michael Douglas’s Hank Pym was very well handled. Peyton Reed did the best he could with what he was given. However, the motivation and description of the Yellowjacket character was far too rushed, and easily the weakest element of the movie. The movie does have points where it drags a touch too long. While I don’t think this is necessarily my favorite of the Marvel movies, I still thought it was a lot of fun, and definitely worth checking out. 

8 / 10 

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