Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trailer Reviews: Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad is a movie that, from the moment I heard about it, I have been anticipating. The trailer for the movie got me even more psyched than I already was. The trailer didn't exactly sway my worries about Jai Courtney and Joel Kinnaman, but everything else looks pretty good. Everything I see tells me David Ayer and the writers really nailed Harley Quinn. One thought that definitely did come to my mind was just how frightening I thought Jared Leto was as the Joker in the brief moment you saw him. Most of the things I've seen from the trailer has confirmed my overall faith in the movie. In my opinion, this movie looks amazing because of what I think was an amazing trailer, even if it didn't necessarily sway the few worries I actually did have regarding the movie as a whole.

9 / 10 

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