Monday, July 27, 2015

Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

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At this point, everyone knows exactly what Sharknado is. So, there’s not much surprise left. But, that’s where Sharknado 3 shines. It’s the same trashy entertainment as the first two movies. It has the same laughable effects, awful direction, bad writing, and stilted acting. That’s why we want to watch these movies. This is the one I probably had the most fun with because it embraced the absurd premise even mores than the first two movies did. One of my problems with Sharknado 2: The Second One was that I don’t feel that that movie did anything particularly fun with all of the celebrity cameos. Sharknado 3 fixes that problem for me, in spades. It’s a terrible movie, but that is exactly why I think people (especially bad movie aficionados) should see this movie, should they ever get the chance.

6 / 10 

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