Monday, July 27, 2015


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Pixels is probably the best movie Adam Sandler has made in a while, though that may not be of much comfort. I did enjoy the movie quite a bit, but I can’t quite bring myself to call it a good movie. The acting and direction are, for the most part alright, but the screenplay is, weirdly enough, where the movie suffers the most. On the one hand, Adam Sandler seems to have such an ego that he consistently allows himself to get the girl who is already way out of his league. Peter Dinklage is easily the best part of the movie, and the actor who seems to be having the most fun with his role. The effects aren’t the strongest, but they could have been much worse. So, yes I guiltily enjoyed the movie, and and fairly guiltily found myself laughing at quite a few parts of the movie, though I don’t recommend this movie to everyone. 

6 / 10 

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