Monday, August 1, 2016

Sharknado: The 4th Awakens

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Well, here’s a series I never in a million years would’ve said was going to reach four movies, but here we are. Part four delves completely into the realm of science fiction, and has completely jumped the shark (no pun intended). The strange thing is: this franchise has only gotten more entertaining the longer it has gone on. The effects are as bad as you expect, as is the acting. At this point, you know exactly what you’re going to get from a movie like Sharknado: The 4th Awakens. Like the first three movies in the Sharknado franchise, this movie falls squarely into the category of being so-bad-it’s-entertaining. I can’t really say that the actors in the movie are good, but they do give entertaining performances (especially David Hasselhoff and Gary Busey). In my opinion, the cameos in this movie are some of the best, the series has ever seen. For example, you get appearances from Andre the Black Nerd, Gilbert Gottfried, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Carrot Top. It’s about as well-directed as your typical Syfy original movie produced by the Asylum  The movie has in-movie references to Star Wars (aside from the reference in the movie’s title). Aside from Star Wars, you also get references to Star Trek, Titanic, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There’s even a car named Christine in the movie (and it looks very familiar). I do have to question this movie’s decision to turn Tara Reid of all people, into a superhero, no matter what kind of god-awful editing they can use. Pretty much, if you enjoyed the other three movies, you’ll enjoy this one. If you hated the other movies, why would you even consider watching it? Since I enjoy this as a guilty pleasure series, I absolutely had a blast with the stupidity. 

6 / 10       


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