Thursday, August 18, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is the sequel to the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. In this movie, the turtles have to deal with the Shredder’s escape from prison, the inter-dimensional being known as Krang (voiced to perfection by Brad Garrett), Baxter Stockman (a completely miscast Tyler Perry), a mutagen that could turn them human, and Bebop and Rocksteady. What I just described is all set up in the first 20 minutes, showing that what’s to come is likely going to be a bit of a mess. Weirdly enough, this is the same sort of problem that some of the other superhero movies of the year have fallen into (especially the previously reviewed Suicide Squad, also a bit of an enjoyable mess) Admittedly, it is. However, this movie rides on being enjoyable guilty pleasure popcorn fun, at least for me. I think whether or not this is actually a “good” movie is debatable. I want to compliment the actors who play the turtles through voice and motion capture. These four actors bring a believability to the idea of being brothers. Though my favorite turtle is usually Raphael, I really think this movie is a Mikey showcase. He’s got some of the best lines in the movie. I do have to admit that the writing is the best, which shows even more the talents of Noel Fisher. Like the first movie, Megan Fox is fine in the role (perhaps the highest compliment I could ever give her acting “talents.”) As I already said, Tyler Perry is miscast as Baxter Stockman, but enjoyably so. What I mean by that is, it’s in the same way that Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones were miscast in Batman Forever. The movie’s visual effects are generally hit-and-miss. I think the turtles look good, but I didn’t think Bebop and Rocksteady looked all that great. The fight between Casey and the foot ninjas was pretty cool and well choreographed. The best way I can describe the final result isn’t good, so much as a lot of stupid fun.

6 / 10 

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