Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Last Heist

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A group of bank robbers target a bank that is about to close down. They run into a problem when they realize that one of the people whom they’ve taken hostage is, in fact, a serial killer. From the very first moments, The Last Heist is plagued by terrible acting (the actor who plays the serial killer seems to be under the impression that all he has to do is look crazy), uninspired direction (lazy slow-mo that I’ve seen a hundred times before is interjected into the movie within the first five minutes), and horrendous writing that offers absolutely no likable characters (even the semi-likable characters don’t muster the ability from me to even remotely give a shit). None of the actors in the movie are able to work off each other believably. Now, these bank robbers are the biggest fucking idiots in the world. They take their masks off. They use their actual names. The most disappointing thing about this movie is that, once gain, I see a lot of wasted potential. As the movie goes on, the plot-holes and leaps in logic just get bigger and bigger. The action sequences are so shoddily filmed that I can’t tell what’s going on half the time (to a point I actually wanted shaky cam) I like the idea of a battle between a serial killer and a group of robbers, especially with the contained setting of a bank. The problem is, The Last Heist is inept in every single way, and can’t even do anything with an interesting premise and setting. Ultimately, this movie is cheap, ugly, and stupid (not even a fun kind of stupid) My advice would be to avoid this one should you come across it on Netflix.  

0 / 10 

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