Monday, February 12, 2018

Keep Watching

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I saw a trailer for this movie online a couple months ago. Within the past few days, I saw a review for this movie on Bloody Disgusting. In that time frame, I completely forgot that this movie existed, and didn't even know until now that this movie even had a one night theatrical release back in October. The unfortunate thing for me is that I wish it could have been more of a special kind of bad. There really isn't much that stands out to me either way. The movie is about a family being harassed by a group of killers who stream their kills to the internet and pass it off as entertainment. This actually is an interesting premise, but I'm not a fan of the way it's executed. It's just incredibly dull more than anything. It isn't good, but it never really feels like anything that could honestly make me mad. The movie tries to mesh elements of slasher films and found footage. I'm not gonna lie, I wish they wouldn't have included the found footage elements. Maybe they should have just taken the internet backdrop out of the movie. I don't know if that would have made the movie better or not. Bella Thorne is the star of the movie. I feel like she could legitimately make a good scream queen. I really don't think she's that bad of an actress (she is probably the best part of this movie), but she just kind of chooses crappy movies. I thought Chandler Riggs from The Walking Dead was okay, as well. In the end, this was a movie that could be best summed up as: meh.

5 / 10 

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