Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day

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President’s Day is a 2010 slasher film about a serial killer dressed up like Abraham Lincoln killing high school students during a class president election. Until about a week ago, I had no idea that this movie existed. I won’t lie. I kind of loved it. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a terrible movie. The acting, writing, and filmmaking are all awful. However, this honestly feels like it should have been made during the 1980s. Nobody involved in this movie is going to go onto anything special. I know this because I have no idea who anybody in this is. As bad as a lot of the dialogue can be, I will give the whodunit aspect of the movie a lot of props. I legitimately didn’t know who the killer was. The jaded slasher and mystery fan in me had my guesses, but none of them were right. I also kind of love the Abraham Lincoln mask. The cheap look to it actually works and makes it look kind of creepy. The use of an axe as a weapon also works with the rest of the costume. Some of the characters can pretty fun just because of how odd they are. The best example of this is the school principal, who is literally introduced by playing the bass. It’s a short 80 minutes, so there isn’t much more for me to say. I enjoyed it, and recommend it to fans of bad slasher movies. 

6 / 10    

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