Thursday, February 15, 2018


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So, I am aware that this is a day late, but hey, better late than never. Valentine is a 2001 slasher film starring Marley Shelton, Denise Richards, and David Boreanaz. A killer in a cupid mask begins stalking a group of women who rejected him on Valentine's Day several years ago. This is one of those movies I look at as something of a guilty pleasure. I can't call it a "good" movie by any means, but it is a movie I honestly have a lot of fun with. Granted, this movie may earn a lot of brownie points for me just by making Katherine Heigl the opening kill. A lot of the acting is actually kind of enjoyable. Denise Richards actually might be the best part of the movie. Her character is a complete bitch, and the actress owns every minute of her role, and she clearly looks like she's having a blast. Marley Shelton as the typical final girl is fine. She's nice enough, but she never really stands out. The same could easily be said of David Boreanaz in this movie until the ending, when I really think the man kicks his performance up a notch. The other characters are just awful. They're horribly acted, and they are some of the most unlikable piece of shit people that you can find in a slasher movie. The mystery isn't anything spectacular. I understand building up a ton of red herrings, but killing most of them off (or making just vanish from the movie entirely) almost immediately after you introduce them isn't the strongest way to go about it. The kills in this movie are awesome. This movie honestly has a pretty brutal mean streak to it, and I kind of love that fact. Yes, Valentine has a lot of flaws that can be pretty hard to ignore most of the time, but I still really enjoy this movie. If you haven't seen it, give it a watch. I can't guarantee you'll "like" it, but if you watch it with a group of people, you might have a pretty fun time.

6 / 10  


  1. This movie has a nostalgic-ness attached to it for me since I saw it in the theater, late at night, during an ice storm, with a group of friends right before we all went drinking and I woke up on my friend's kitchen floor.
