Monday, February 5, 2018

Scorched Earth

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Bounty hunter Atticus Gage (played by Gina Carano) infiltrates a town where only outlaws are allowed. The movie takes place in a future where people have to where masks and filter air, or something like that. I figured at best this would probably be mediocre, and at worst it would be absolutely awful. Yeah, this came out with the best-case scenario. It wasn’t good, but it was far from being one of the worst things I’d ever seen. I thought Gina Carano was fine in this. She’s never been a particulary strong actress, but she served her role well enough. The plot wasn’t terribly interesting. I’ve seen this story before. Sometimes, the directing could build up the tension, but most of it was just bland, which is the perfect description for this movie as a whole. The one thing I think rose above the material was John Hannah as a character named Doc, who serves as Gage’s mentor. There was one element to the plot that did surprise a little bit. It ties into the protagonist’s backstory. When they didn’t go the route I was expecting them to go, I was actually kind of surprised. The action sequences are really just sort of standard. They aren’t awful, but they aren’t mind-blowing either. They’re just sort of there. The futuristic sci-fi element adds nothing to the movie. They could have just made this a typical western, and it really wouldn’t have changed anything. Scorched Earth is just bland. It’s neither good nor bad enough to really leave you with an impression on it either way.

5 / 10  

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