Friday, November 16, 2018

Deep Blue Sea 2

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Deep Blue Sea 2 is one of those movies I kind of had to watch out of morbid curiosity. I first heard that this movie was going to be a thing back in January, and that it was going to get dumped out direct-to-video at some point this year. My first thought was: "well, this is going to be a lazy piece of shit whose sole existence was to cash in on the Deep Blue Sea name." To me, that was the weirdest thing about this movie's existence. Had it been dumped out sometime in the early 2000s, it would have made sense. The first warning I'm going to give you is this: don't even remotely go into this movie expecting something good. Hell, I pretty much only enjoy the first film on a guilty pleasure level. Shark conservationist Misty Calhoun (played by Danielle Savre) is a shark expert brought on to consult a problem. You can guess the plot from here. Idiot humans are hunted and picked off by sharks that are made smarter through testing one by one. So, yeah. this movie is awful. The fact that this movie was a direct to video release really hindered it. The sets are cheap, and they do next to nothing to actually stand out. The characters pretty much all suck. These people don't actually feel like characters, so much as it feels like the filmmakers want us to feel invested in the all-you-can buffet. I wouldn't go so far as to call them unlikable. They just aren't interesting. The only character that kind of stands out to me is the character known as Carl Durant (played by Michael Beach). The reason is because I know he's supposed to be an irredeemable villain and psychopath. I will give the movie props for allowing the characters to have at least enough brains in them to sort of recognize that the obvious bad guy is obvious, even if it isn't 100%. The acting in this film is bad. I'll admit that it isn't the worst acting I've ever seen though. Unfortunately, this leads into the next problem I have with this movie. Because I don't really care about the characters, the movie just sort of drags for me. Part of the problem for me is that this movie kind of just repeats all of the same beats of the first movie, and just seems like it's trying to pass all of it off as something different. Was Deep Blue Sea 2 what I expected it to be? Yes and no. On the one hand, I expected this movie to be a lazy cash-in. On the other hand, I thought this movie was just going to make me angrier than I was. It was mostly dull. Every great once in a while, there would a moment of unintentional laughter, but nowhere near enough to make me want to seek this thing out ever again.

1 / 10  

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