Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is probably my favorite of the Harry Potter franchise. At this point, Harry, Ron, and Hermione must return to Hogwarts in order to destroy the final horcruxes. This is all done as the final battle looms closer and closer. The first thing I want to say is that the pace is fairly quick. It feels like once it starts, it just keeps going. That doesn't mean there aren't any moments to breathe. There are (and they actually help serve the story in most cases). It's probably the most action-oriented film in the franchise. I feel that it is important to note that this is also the most emotional film in the series for a multitude of reasons. On one hand, this looked like it was going to be the end of the Wizarding World franchise. It wasn't easy to say goodbye to these characters I had watched for the past decade. Every actor brings their A-game in this movie (something I would come to expect from this franchise). However, as far as I'm concerned, Alan Rickman is the movie's MVP. Hands down, this has to be the man's best performance as Snape. My favorite scene in the whole movie is the point where we, the audience, learn Snape's motivations. We are given the revelation that Snape truly was a tragic figure the whole time. We understand why he simultaneously hated Harry and tried to protect him throughout the series. Rickman sells every aspect of the character despite his limited screen time. I feel that the movies other standout is Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange. As usual, she sells the psychotic villain. But, she really did a good job playing Hermione pretending to be Bellatrix Lestrange. It added a comedic layer to the film that really worked, especially knowing how wrong it easily could have gone. This movie makes a point of saying that Voldemort is more dangerous than ever simply because he's vulnerable. This is easily one of my favorite aspects of the movie. More often than not, the danger of a villain is emphasized when they appear to be invincible. But, because Voldemort is vulnerable, it arguably makes him more unpredictable. I also respect that they were willing to show some of the Hogwarts students die during the Battle of Hogwarts (with the battle taking up a good chunk of the film's running time). Once again, the film is really nice to look at from a visual standpoint. The CGI has a reached a point where I feel that it is at its best in this movie. Overall, Deathly Hallows - Part 2 does a fantastic job wrapping up the series. It answers the questions you wanted answers to, as well as questions you didn't know you wanted answers to, and is the perfect end for the franchise because it feels like a finale.

10 / 10 

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