Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

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I feel like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 is arguably the most divisive movie of the original Potter franchise. Hardcore Potterheads (myself included) seem to like it. But, more casual fans and non-fans seem to see it more as meandering and dull. Honestly, I like this movie a lot. I also don't mind the slower pace. The reason for this is because they still have some legitimately good action moments in the movie. It also works for me because it allows our heroes to have some breathing room, and actually forces them to deal with all of the real world consequences that hunting for the remaining horcruxes would offer. Granted, I'll admit the dancing scene may have been a little too much. The beginning sets up the kind of movie you're going to get pretty well. This is arguably the most mature Potter movie. The consequences are clear, and they are actually bigger than any past movies in the franchise. For one thing, this movie actually has a body count, even going so far as to kill off one of the series' more established characters. The climax of this movie takes place at Malfoy manner, and it might be my favorite part of the movie. For one thing, Helena Bonham Carter hamming it up as Bellatrix Lestrange will always be enjoyable to watch for me. But, it's not just her. The acting on everyone's part is strong once again. It also helps seeing and knowing that the three leads have had years to really grow into the roles they play. This is the one film I can think of where it actually makes sense from a storytelling standpoint to do the whole "split the last book into two movies" thing. The book is somewhere between 700 and 800 pages, and there was a lot that really needed to be wrapped up. However, I will also be fair and admit that it doesn't feel like a complete story (even if it really isn't supposed to be a complete story). Do they add things into the movie that maybe don't need to be there? Yes, but in a way they still make sense to me. The big thing is the projection of a fake Harry and Hermione kissing. It made sense to me from a storytelling standpoint. The horcrux was trying to protect itself, and was also trying to feed into Ron's own anger, fear, and insecurity. As per usual, the visual effects and production design are awesome (even if the later movies seem to lack the warm feel the look of the early movies gave you). I don't think this is the greatest Harry Potter movie, nor do I consider it my personal favorite. However, it is still a damn good movie in my opinion.

9 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree: in a lot of cases, splitting the final book into two movies is ridiculous, but in this case, I feel like it was valid and good. Especially since really, the book is divided into two parts: up to and through camping and then everything after. The book has a much slower first half, just like the film, and a much faster paced second half - again, they followed through.
    The dancing scene for me, was cringy. If I had to make a list of cring-inducing moments from the franchise, I would definitely add this scene.
