Friday, June 14, 2019

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile is a biopic starring Zac Efron as infamous serial killer Ted Bundy. The film deals with his relationships with two women, as well as his trial, and all the insanity that this would entail. I have to admit that I don't necessarily know how much I actually have to say about this film, so it is best for me to just get right into talking about the film. When talking about this movie, I think it is best to start by talking about the negatives, because I really don't have very many. The main issue I have is that there are some points where the film jumps around in the narrative, and it doesn't really flow nearly as well as it probably could or should. Honestly, pretty much everything else about this film actually kind of worked for me. The movie's greatest strength is the acting. Zac Efron is the film's greatest strength. He owns this movie. He really nails the charm and charisma that Ted Bundy was actually known for. The other true standout for me was Lily Collins. I really buy the mental and emotional torture her character Liz seemed to be put through. I have to say that I was kind of glad to see Haley Joel Osment in this film, as he really hasn't been in the limelight in a very long time, outside of some occasional film roles here and there. There is one element of this film that I wasn't sure what to expect with this film. The movie is directed by Joe Berlinger (the same man who directed Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2). I mentioned that I had some problems with the first act, though I don't honestly know exactly where the blame should placed. But, I actually didn't mind Berlinger's direction here. Of course it helps that he's clearly passionate about this film. Overall, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile works thanks to its acting (especially from Zac Efron and Lily Collins), and has a couple of stumbles near the beginning before really finding its footing. This film is on Netflix, so I have to recommend giving it a watch if you can.

8 / 10    

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