Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Secret Life of Pets 2

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I don’t really think The Secret Life of Pets needed to have a sequel, but we have one anyway. Don’t get me wrong I actually did like the first film. It did what it needed to do. So, I didn’t really know what to expect going into the sequel. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t really like this film. Don’t get me wrong, it still has some of the strengths of the first movie, namely the voice acting. Everyone is clearly putting their all into their performances. The animation is pretty good (or better than the animation in Wonder Park at least). Occasionally, there’s a funny joke. But, there aren’t nearly as many in this as there are in the first film. OK, so that was pretty much everything I liked about this movie. Now, I should talk about the elements I really didn’t like. For starters, far more of the jokes miss than they do hit. But, there is one glaring flaw with this film that honestly prevents me from enjoying it. The film doesn’t really seem to have one main plot line. It feels more three separate movies have been sandwiched into one, and none of them actually feel like they even remotely blend. This isn’t the worst movie I’ve seen this year. Hell, it isn’t even one of the worst animated movies I’ve ever seen (I definitely liked it better than Wonder Park). This just felt like a sequel that didn’t need to exist, and never really justified having a reason to exist. 

5 / 10 

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