Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mr. Right

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Mr. Right is an action-comedy that stars Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell. In the movie, Anna Kendrick plays a woman who goes through a breakup, and finally finds her “mr. right,” a hit man played by Sam Rockwell. Now, I want to preface this by saying I am 100% aware this movie is not going to be for everybody. The sense of humor is pretty twisted and dark. I have a dark sense of humor, so that works for me. I like Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell in the movie. I think the two of them work well on their own, but I also feel they have good chemistry together. I also have to compliment Tim Roth, who plays the antagonist of the movie. The movie is directed by a man named Paco Cabezas. I only bring this up because I feel that the action was well shot. On the more negative side of things, the writing isn’t always the strongest. This movie carries an R rating, but at one point, Rockwell uses the word “poopy-head” to describe one of the guys trying to kill him. I thought only three-year-olds used that word as insult. There are points where the pacing slows down, and the movie starts to drag a touch. RZA’s in the movie, and I like him in this movie about as much as I like any of his other performances, which For me, the movie does have more positives than negatives, though I only recommend this one as a strong rental.

7 / 10     

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