Monday, April 25, 2016

The Huntsman: Winter's War

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 The Huntsman: Winter’s War is sort of a prequel/sequel to 2012’s Snow White and the Huntsman. It focuses on Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman. The first thing I want to do is compliment the performers. While the chemistry between Chris Hemsworth and Jessica Chastain isn’t the strongest, it is noticeably there. I mostly feel this is because Hemsworth and Chastain are talented actors, and the chemistry is able to shine through thanks to their abilities. But it’s the chemistry and performances by Charlize Theron and Emily Blunt that really stand out for me. I think that Theron and Blunt have a believable sisterly bond. Blunt, in particular, is able to shine, pulling off the tragic ice-cold villain in her role, even if it's admittedly not my favorite performance of hers. I personally feel that her character gets the best treatment out of all of them. There are some noticeable gaps and holes in the movie’s plot that a somewhat rushed voiceover from Liam Neeson tries to fix, not always to the greatest success. As I watched the movie, I also noticed some continuity errors. I’ll admit, I did like this movie, but much like the first one, it falls squarely into the category of guilty pleasure. Mostly, this is due to the inconsistent writing and storytelling. The movie’s look and style is great. The visual effects are pretty solid. The production design is gorgeous. The movie was directed by a first-time director. He struggles to direct the story-based elements, but shines when it comes to action sequences.

6 / 10     

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