Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Leprechaun 2

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Leprechaun 2 was released theatrically one year after the first film. This time around, we follow the titular leprechaun (played again by Warwick Davis) as he attempts to take a bride. Now, there is no chance in hell I can call Leprechaun 2 a good movie. In some ways, I think it's better than the first film. In other ways, I think it's worse. The kills are generally more fun and inventive than they were the first time around (even though I think the film would have greatly benefitted from a bigger budget). Still, the fact of the matter is, I remember more creative kills in this one compared to the first film where the majority of them were neck snaps. The acting is weird. Once again, Warwick Davis is clearly the best of the film. He is having a ball whenever he shows up on screen. Tony Cox shows up in the film for a brief scene, and it is bizarre, to say the least. His performance is memorably surreal. Actress Shevonne Durkin-playing the female lead-is the one who stands as the worst performer of the bunch. Most of the actors in this film are just kind of generically bad. This woman never once delivers a line convincingly. The film isn't particularly well written by any stretch of the imagination either. Many of the characters are fairly unlikable as well. I felt like I could at least enjoy some of the heroes in the first film. This time, I was fully rooting for the leprechaun to win. I don't really have much more to say about this film, mostly because I think it's the least memorable film in the franchise. It's not the best in the series, nor is it the worst. It's just kind of mediocre. The good stuff and the bad stuff really just even out. One never really feels as though it outweighs the other.

5 / 10 

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