Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Leprechaun Movies Ranked

Well, now that I have officially seen and reviewed all of the Leprechaun movies, my next goal is to finally rank them from worst to best. Keep in mind, I don't really see these movies as much more than guilty pleasures at their best. So, here we go.

#8: Leprechaun: Origins: To be fair, the acting isn't awful. The concept is kind of interesting. But, the writing and directing is so haphazardly bad, that the film never really utilizes its potential. The worst thing about the film is that there's no sense of fun, or even much of a sense of humor. I don't want a Leprechaun movie that takes itself seriously.

#7: Leprechaun in the Hood: Of the original run of Leprechaun movies (I consider Origins to be more of a reboot), this is the one I consider to be my least favorite. It's not as fun as it could be. It's mostly just kind of boring. I don't really care about the characters at all. And I'm sorry, I don't really buy Ice-T as an intimidating villain.

#6: Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood: In a lot of respests, Back 2 tha Hood is a slight improvement over In the Hood. That doesn't say a lot because the characters still don't leave much of an impact. I enjoy some of the kills, and had a little bit of fun. All that said, it's still on the lower end of the scale for the Leprechaun franchise in my eyes.

#5: Leprechaun 2: I'd forgotten that this movie was one of the duller films in the franchise. Part of the issue for me could be the character Bridgette. She's incredibly unlikable, and horribly acted. On the other hand, the kills in this film can be a lot of fun. Warwick Davis plays the titular leprechaun for the first six films of the franchise, and he's always the best part of those films.

#4: Leprechaun 3: I think Leprechaun 3's greatest strength (outside of Warwick Davis's performance) is its setting. Las Vegas truly feels like the best possible place to have the leprechaun wreak havoc. The kills are dumb, cheesy fun. Admittedly, the acting's not very good. However, I still think this is a fun movie.

#3: Leprechaun 4: In Space: Let's get one thing straight. This movie is awful. But, it's one of the films I generally have the most fun with in the series. It's a Leprechaun movie that takes place in space, and I think they know how ridiculous the film is. This movie is as high as it is purely out of my personal enjoyment, and not based on the film's actual quality.

#2: Leprechaun Returns: I like that this film is a direct sequel to the very first Leprechaun film. While he's no Warwick Davis, I actually don't mind Linden Porco as the leprechaun. The kills are both creative and gory, and I honestly admire that. The acting's nothing special, but it's not the worst I've seen.

#1: Leprechaun: Is Leprechaun a great movie. No. However, I still really enjoy this movie despite its flaws. This is probably the best acted film in the franchise (which I admit isn't saying much). The kills are hit and miss. The film doesn't take itself that seriously, and I really appreciate that.

So there you have it. That's my personal ranking on the eight films in the Leprechaun franchise. Do you agree? Do you disagree? I would love to know.

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