Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Leprechaun 3

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This time around, the leprechaun (played by Warwick Davis-still serving as the movie's greatest strength) terrorizes Las Vegas as several hapless people come into contact with one of his gold coins. Honestly, I kind of enjoy this piece of ridiculous horror cheese. This is probably the film that stands out to me the most in terms of its kills. For example, a guy has his eye plucked out. Another guy-a magician, no less-is sawed in half after being trapped in one of those boxes. In a lot of ways, this film still looks cheap (it is the first film in the franchise to be released direct to video). However, I think they really understood how to use the cheapness to their advantage. Since luck is a big thing in Las Vegas, I actually think it makes sense to send the leprechaun there. Now, as seems to be the case with almost all of these movies, a lot of the acting is really bad. There are times in the movie where I have to wonder whether or not some of these actors have been in front of a camera before in their lives. Fortunately, I like the characters in this film more than the ones in the second film. OK, they're nothing special. However, I think the writing and directing tries a little harder this time around. Don't get me wrong, some of the writing and directing is still pretty clunky and awkward. I honestly think this film is at its best when it's trying to be campy. It just makes the film a little more fun. A lot of the effects are pretty damn fun too. This is all the more impressive to me because this film is direct-to-video. I am usually impressed when a film is able to work around a cheap budget. I don't think I have a lot more to say about Leprechaun 3. I've kind of talked about most of the things I felt necessary for me to discuss. It's a decently fun guilty pleasure slasher movie. It's not something that changed the game for slasher movies. However, I don't think it was ever really trying to do so either. If you're a fan of the Leprechaun franchise, then I would recommend checking this film out (if, for some reason, you have never this film).

6 / 10 

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