Friday, March 15, 2019

Leprechaun in the Hood

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I think this is the movie in the Leprechaun franchise that confuses me the most. The leprechaun ends up in a dingy part of L.A. (mostly because the film didn't have the budget to use shots of the legitimate Los Angeles). I think this is the movie that just bored me the most in the series. Yes, Warwick Davis is giving his all like he always seems to do. Unfortunately, that's about the only piece of the film that worked for me. The characters in this film are some of the most stock people I have ever seen in a horror film. They aren't unlikable, per se. But, they don't have enough personality for me to care either. I feel like they are there, and nothing else. The kills in the film don't really leave much of an impression on me one way or the other. At least I remember how uninventive the kills in the first Leprechaun movie were. At least I remember how inventive the kills from parts 2, 3, and 4 could actually get. This is the first film where I really felt like the franchise was starting to run out of steam. I can only remember select moments of the film, and not in a particularly positive way. There's a scene where the leprechaun kills a transgender person, while the other characters think they are just having sex. Honestly, it just made me uncomfortable. And, I don't think it was done in the way the filmmakers really intended. I wasn't scared. I just didn't feel like this was a scene that was really needed for the movie. There's also a point where the leprechaun raps. I wish I was making that up. If that sounds like it was probably a bad idea from the start, that's because it was. The last thing I remember is just how awful Ice-T was in this movie. He's supposed to be the film's secondary antagonist, and I never once believed that he was actually a credible threat. The Leprechaun franchise is one that primarily works on a guilty pleasure level for me. This is the first time I had to watch a Leprechaun movie and just found it dull. It wasn't particularly fun. Is this one of the worst movies I've ever seen? No. I don't even think I can call it the worst film in the Leprechaun series (that's something I'll get to). Overall, I was happy to see that Warwick Davis was still having some fun. I just kind of wish that everything surrounding him could have been a lot more fun than the final result that we were given.

4 / 10 

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