Thursday, March 14, 2019

Leprechaun 4: In Space

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How do I describe Leprechaun 4: In Space? By all accounts, this really is an awful movie. There is very little about the film that works on a legitimate level. The effects in this film are probably the absolute worst in the Leprechaun franchise. The CGI in the film has even been called awful by those who worked on it. The writing in this film is probably the cheesiest writing of the franchise. There is next to nothing in terms of actual character development. The main protagonist of the film is supposedly a scientist. I say supposedly because I don't really buy it for a second. She's the stereotypical hot blonde who is forced to strip down to her underwear by the end of the film. The actress (her name is Jessica Collins) doesn't really show the acting chops necessary to make me believe her performance in absolutely any respect. Yet, I still enjoy this movie. A lot. As usual, Warwick Davis has the time of his life playing the leprechaun. I think director Brian Trenchard-Smith (who also directed Leprechaun 3) and writer Dennis Pratt kind of knew the movie was ridiculous. I mean, the leprechaun is in space. Another example that sells me on this: one of the characters in the movie is an outer space nazi robot doctor. All of those words together should tell you everything you could possibly need to know about what this film is going to give you. This movie also has one of the most ridiculous, stupid, and amazing deaths I may have ever witnessed in a slasher movie. The leprechaun literally kills somebody by exploding out of their genitals. I couldn't make that up if I tried. The movie also features on my personal favorite genre actors, Miguel A. Nunez, Jr. This man's horror credentials speak for themselves (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning and Return of the Living Dead). I almost feel as though Leprechaun 4: In Space plays out more like an old school exploitation B-movie than anything else. This clearly isn't the best movie in the Leprechaun franchise, but it honestly might be the one I have the most fun with. In a series chock full of guilty pleasures, this one may just be the absolute guiltiest. If you've read this review, then by now you'll know whether you're interested in this movie or not. I feel as though I have described this wonderful piece of trash to the best of my ability.

6 / 10 

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