Friday, March 15, 2019

Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood

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Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood was somewhat of an improvement over the previous film in the series. On the downside, that isn't really saying much. This is because while Leprechaun in the Hood isn't the worst of the franchise, it's easily the most dull and uninteresting. The acting is better in this film overall than some of the previous Leprechaun movies. I mean, it isn't really anything terribly special. The character development is still thin to a point that I don't really care that much. The story is still pretty standard. I know that might seem like an unusual complaint for someone to have when reviewing a slasher movie. However, this isn't one where I felt like there was nearly enough of a sense of fun. A lot of slasher movies (good or bad) still have a sense of charm and fun to them, and that allows me to look past some of the more noticeable problems. Even a lot of the Leprechaun movies have had this sort of odd charm to them. Keep in mind, I am somebody who really enjoys slasher movies. There's a little bit of that here, just not as much as I would have personally liked. The kills in this film aren't the best in the franchise, but I do think there is a little more creativity in this film than there was in Leprechaun in the Hood. A couple of the kills are actually pretty fun in this film, something I felt was missing from the previous film. I want to heap as much praise as I possibly can on Warwick Davis as the leprechaun in this film, especially because this is the last time he played the leprechaun. He even managed to work through having the say the line "what's up ninjas?" and still try and have a level of dignity. To me, that might be the most impressive moment in this film. Overall, this film is neither the best nor the worst of the franchise. I certainly liked it more than Leprechaun in the Hood. But, I'm still going to find myself going back to the first four films in the series before I ever come back to this film. Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood is incredibly mediocre. It's nowhere near as fun as it could be. But, it also could have been a lot worse.

5 / 10    

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