Thursday, March 28, 2019


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Suspiria might just be one of the most unique films I have ever seen. For this reason, I almost feel like I am at a loss now that I have to try and review it. I want to try and describe the plot, but I don't necessarily know how. It almost seems as though there is a mystery within the film. However, our heroine, Susie (played by Jessica Harper) kind of stumbles into it. At times, it doesn't come across to me as though the story is really what drives the film. The story is definitely there, and I actually did enjoy it, even if I can admit that it is not the movie's greatest strength. Much of the film's acting is pretty damn strong. Jessica Harper really stands out to me. I love the film's atmosphere as well. Argento makes a lot of the film feel incredibly eerie. One of the things that I really think works in this movie's favor is the pacing. In a lot of ways, it feels like a slow burn. There are deaths sprinkled throughout the film. But, they don't ever feel jarring or out of place. The climax is damn near insane. What I love is that it actually feels like this film built up to something, and it felt earned. As much as I honestly enjoyed this film, I did have some problems with it. The score by Goblin is amazing as well. It doesn't seem to matter whether it is subtle and quiet, or loud and bombastic. No matter what, it always has something of a creepy vibe to it, and I actually really like that about this film. Keep in mind, these aren't major issues for me, and they don't really detract from the overall product. But, they are there, and they should be addressed. For starters, the very beginning of the film has some narration that explains why Susie is going to Germany. The thing is, I feel like this is something the audience can easily pick up, and it makes this initial narration unnecessary. The second issue I have with the film is that, sometimes the dubbing just felt kind of off. Now, most of it worked fine. There just were those occasional moments where I found it to be a touch distracting. Like I said, the problems I had with the film were very minor problems. I can see why this film is genuinely considered a classic, and I honestly have to recommend to any horror fans out there who haven't seen the film yet.   

8 / 10 

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