Friday, February 19, 2016

Hail, Caesar

In Hail, Caesar, Josh Brolin plays a Hollywood fixer. He's the guy who makes sure the movie goes off without a hitch, and does everything in his power to make the studio look good. Things go awry for said studio when a big star played by George Clooney goes missing, and Brolin has to find him in order to save the movie. However, that really is only a small portion of the movie’s plot. There are a lot of characters and subplots in a movie. Now, there is a possibility that these things could tear the movie apart. But, because this movie is written, produced, and directed by the Coen Brothers, all of these elements really work. The cast is huge, filled some very talented people that, in addition to the previously mentioned Brolin and Clooney, includes the likes of Scarlett Johansson, Ralph Fiennes, Jonah Hill, and Channing Tatum (giving what may just be his best performance). The absolute standout in the movie has to be newcomer Alden Ehrenreich. This is a guy I want to see do more comedic roles in the future because he is absolutely hilarious here. The comedic timing of the script and the fact that all of the actors bring their A game really sell the movie, and make it work. That’s a good thing because there are points where the movie does start dragging a touch, though it doesn’t take away from how good I think the movie is. This is one of those movies where I feel the Coen Brothers are the only ones who could’ve possibly pulled this movie off. This is very much a Coen Brothers movie. If you aren’t a fan, this probably isn’t the one that’s going to pull you over. But, if you have liked their work in the past, then definitely check it out.    

9 / 10   

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