Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

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So, it occurred to me that, for as much as I love this movie, I've never really gotten the chance to properly talk about it, which is a shame. Note that there are minor spoilers ahead. I feel like this movie is now something of a modern cult classic, with good reason. In Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine play two backwoods hillbillies who get caught up in a series of hilarious, bloody misunderstandings that all stem from what is perceived as a kidnapping. Tudyk and Labine make the two dimwitted rednecks sympathetic and lovable, effectively turning the trope of the killer hillbilly on its head by making them the heroes, and turning the leader of the college kids who normally would be the hero who saves the day into an anti-hillbilly psychopath. One of the things I love about this movie is that when all of these college kids die in the movie, they aren't murdered. They pretty much all die because of their own stupidity. At several points I have found myself quoting this movie, especially a line that goes "You're half hillbilly." If you want a gory, fun time that manages to poke fun at the typical tropes and turn them on their head simultaneously, then I absolutely recommend this movie.

10 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. Boom. I love this movie! Someday I will buy it on dvd. :)
