Monday, February 15, 2016

Kung Fu Panda 3

So, when I learned that Kung Fu Panda 3 was being pushed from December to January, I was a little worried. After all, January doesn’t have the greatest track record. Thankfully, I was proven 100% wrong. The movie was pretty much pushed back to avoid competition with Star Wars. For the most part, the jokes actually manage to land. Much like the previous film, Kung Fu Panda 3 progresses the story and characters forward. In this entry to the franchise, Po (voiced perfectly by Jack Black) must progress from student to teacher, and realize that even a master still has things to learn, and always can be more than who they think they are. Most of the supporting cast from the first two movies (save for James Hong and Angelina Jolie) get pushed to the sidelines. Thankfully, the three major franchise newcomers all should be commended. Bryan Cranston as the voice of Po’s birthfather Li Shan comes off as a warm, lovable goofball, as is Kate Hudson as the self-centered and egotistical Mei Mei. But the best is J.K. Simmons as the villain Kai, who is both funny and threatening at the same time. The animation is beautiful, especially the martial arts battles. I also love the dynamic between Po and his two fathers. I will admit that if there is but one flaw, the story is a bit formulaic, though that isn’t nearly enough to hinder a fantastic entry in DreamWorks’ catalogue.

9 / 10        

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