Saturday, February 20, 2016

Zoolander 2

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Zoolander 2 comes fifteen years after the first film (which is now cemented as a comedy classic). In many ways, that is something of a negative that hinders the movie, as opposed to helping it. In the movie, Derek Zoolander and Hansel are recruited by a woman played by Penelope Cruz who is with Interpol’s fashion division. They are tasked with finding the person who is killing the world’s pop stars. Ultimately, I wanted this movie to be good, I really did. The trailers had me laughing really hard. Here, Ben Stiller’s direction feels jumbled, and the writing feels like talented people now struggling to do what seemed to come naturally in the first movie. The plot becomes very convoluted. One of the problems I had with last year’s Ted 2 is a similar issue I had with this movie. The villains in the second film are just the villains rehashed from the first one. The jokes rarely seem to land. In my opinion, the funniest moments in the movie come from the plethora of celebrity cameos in the movie, the best of which has to be Kiefer Sutherland. There are a few funny gags here and there, but that isn’t nearly enough for me to call the movie good, and I was ultimately disappointed in the final result. 

4 / 10 

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