Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ghost Shark

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Ghost Shark is one of those kinds of movies where everything works simply because nothing does. This is a Syfy channel movie, and it's obvious from the get-go. The effects are awful. The acting is horrendous. One of the main stars of the movie obviously stoned through the whole thing. I think this is the definition of a guilty pleasure movie. It's one of those movies I know I should hate, but much like The Wicker Man with Nicolas Cage, it's so unintentionally funny I just can't bring myself to do so. The plot is so stupid, it somehow works. Because the shark is a ghost, it can be anywhere there's water. That makes for some hilarious death scenes, intentional or not. My favorite element is the fact that you can just tell that none of the actors want to be there. They all just have some to pay off. Any other movie, I'd use that as a criticism. Here, it sells how amazingly bad the movie really is. Do yourself a favor if you check this one out though, don't watch it alone. If you watch it with friends and Mystery Science Theater 3000 the hell out of it, it'll be a lot more fun.

6 / 10 

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