Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)

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Like The Phantom Menace before it, Attack of the Clones does have its good moments. Keep in mind, good moments don't automatically mean good movie, because, really, this isn't one. First off, let me just say how happy it makes me that Jar-Jar is only in this for a whole one minute (at the most). Ewan McGregor, Samuel L. Jackson, and Ian McDiarmid are the best actors in the movie in my opinion, once again. Christopher Lee was alright as Count Dooku. I feel like he did his best with what he was given, but overall he was underused. The climax was pretty cool. The Yoda effects were a vast improvement in this movie, and it was awesome to actually get to watch Yoda kick some ass. The backstory with the clones was interesting, but I don't think it was explained well at all. If you thought the chemistry between Natalie Portman and Jake Lloyd was bad (it was), her chemistry with Hayden Christiansen was somehow worse. I think a lot of that might be the fact that Hayden Christiansen was, by far, the worst actor in this movie. His chemistry with Natalie Portman wasn't the only chemistry that felt awkward. The same can easily be said towards him and Ewan McGregor. There's a lot here that feels off. The directing The writing. Hayden Christiansen. Even the title feels out of place. Think about it, the clones didn't really attack anybody. If you were to ask me which is worse Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones, I don't think I'd really be able to have an answer.

5 / 10 

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