Saturday, May 9, 2015

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

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Empire Strikes Back is my personal favorite Star Wars movie, and one of my all-time favorites. I personally like the darker turn it takes. Yoda is awesome in the movie because you just know he's powerful without him ever really having to do anything, and that's a huge testament to director Irvin Kershner and screenwriters Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan, as well as George Lucas himself. The final twist ending of the movie is one of those endings where I wish I had a time machine so I could see the reactions of first-time viewers for myself. Everything in this movie feels lie the first one on a grander scale, and with a darker edge. Things seem hopeless by the end of the movie, and I think that's just perfect for a middle chapter in a trilogy. The lightsaber battles in this movie feel like an upgrade from the first film in terms of stunts, visual spectacle, and choreography. This one of those movies that I liked as a kid, but it really grew on me as I got older. The writing is great. The directing is great. The effects are better here than in the first film. The characters progress and don't feel like they're stuck or forced to regress as some sequels can and will do, and the actors are all clearly enjoying themselves.

10 / 10 

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