Friday, May 1, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Avengers: Age of Ultron was my most anticipated movie of 2015. Personally, I liked it even more than the first film. Once again, Joss Whedon proves himself to be a master of dialogue. He shows from scene to scene how to lace future events into the movie with subtlety (not forced like The Amazing Spider-Man 2). The cast has a very strong chemistry together, and everyone really works off each other well. The sequence involving the farmhouse was one that, at first, I thought moved too slowly. The reason it can’t bog the movie down is because it adds a lot of character development, and helps hint at things to come. Quicksilver was a character I really liked, though not as much as the Quicksilver in Days of Future Past. I can’t really count that against the movie because Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Quicksilver in this movie was a different character than the one in Days of Future Past. The way he and Elizabeth Olsen work off each other in this movie was really good, making me believe the two are brother and sister. Paul Bettany gets a lot more to do in this movie, too. I think that’s just amazing. The action sequences are very strong. I geeked out at the fight between Iron Man and Hulk. If one actor deserves props here, it’s James Spader as Ultron. He’s an AI that thinks destroying the world is the only way to save it. His mannerisms are both menacing and childish. The character was a fantastic follow-up to Loki in my opinion. Age of Ultron is fun summer blockbuster that has a lot of depth to it. It’s well-acted, well-directed, well written, and has fantastic visuals. It’s a very sleek, cool product in the best way possible. 

10 / 10 

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