Sunday, May 24, 2015

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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Return of the Jedi is a fantastic conclusion to the original Star Wars trilogy. Personally, when I was little this was my favorite, but as I've grown older my tastes have changed. I don't feel the hatred towards the Ewoks that most people do, but I now I think that they do present themselves one of the movie's weaker elements. Some of the action set-pieces are really strong. For example, I love the speeder chase on the moon of Endor. The introduction of Emperor Palpatine was right up there with Darth Vader in the original Star Wars and John Doe in Seven among the best villain entrances ever. Boba Fett's death was incredibly weak in my opinion. The death scene was lazy and weakly written in my opinion. I love the final battle between Luke and Darth Vader. Jabba the Hut was a menacing enough side villain. In spite of a couple of nitpicks, and that upon reflection, I don't think it stacks up as well against the previous two movies, I still really enjoy the flick.

9 / 10 

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