Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

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My problem with this animated theatrical release is very simple. I don't remember it very well. I know I enjoy the show that it spawned, but other than that, there's not a whole lot I can say. The basic storyline of the plot I remember isn't the most interesting. The jist of the story is the jedi and the sith battling over who gets a truce with Jabba the Hut, and which side will bring his nephew back first. This could work for an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie from the 1980s, but this is freaking Star Wars! The animation style is really off to me. It's like trying to make anime computer generated. No, really. That was a creative decision. Some of the new characters that are introduced in this movie are memorable, which isn't a bad sign. Out of all of the movies in the series, this one isn't the strongest. It isn't the weakest. For me, with how little I do remember, it's just kind of meh.

5 / 10 

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