Sunday, May 17, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movies (20 - 11)

#20: The Ghost and the Darkness: The Ghost and the Darkness is a movie that is about man-eating lions in Africa that still made me want to go to Africa, which is saying a lot. I love that the movie is, for the most part, based on a true story. The mix between true story, horror, and adventure makes a great mix for me. 

#19: Beetlejuice: Beetlejuice hinges on the performance of Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice. Tim Burton is a director I like a lot, and Beetlejuice might just be my favorite movie of his. The characters are memorable. The movie is quotable. The dark, twisted sense of humor and insanity that exists in this movie just drives it home by the end of the movie for me. 
#18: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: It is the longest movie in the series. I am aware of this, and I can understand how that could turn some people off of the movie. This is where Frodo's quest has led. I like how this movie in particular explores how even the best of people can be corrupted. This also has the most Gollum, who might just be my favorite Lord of the Rings villain. I love this movie on so many levels. 

#17: AladdinAladdin stands out for me among the Disney musicals I grew up with. Jafar is one of my favorite Disney villains. The soundtrack for Aladdin is easily one of my favorites as far as Disney musicals go. Besides all that, this might just be the movie that made me aware of the late, great Robin Williams, and that's not a bad thing in my book. 

#16: Silver Linings Playbook: Silver Linings Playbook really does a lot to play with the Romantic Comedy genre, which isn't one I particularly love. This is a movie that does offer generally real characters and side-steps (or in some cases, all-out avoids) some of the cliches in the genre that I don't like. The chemistry between Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence is spot-on, and the characters do have emotional depth that a lot of people can understand and relate to. 
#15: The Cabin in the Woods: Cabin in the Woods is one of the most clever horror movies I've seen in a while. This is probably the first horror movie I have seen since Scream that does this well with offering up an equal amount of making fun of horror movies and showing love for them. Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon were the perfect team to bring this movie to life, especially because of how good they've done in the past with messing with the standard horror conventions. 
#14: The Incredibles: As I'm sure I've said before, I love most of the Pixar movies. The Incredibles might just be my favorite though. Jason Lee as Syndrome was just an endlessly entertaining villain. Samuel L. Jackson brings his usual charisma to a voice role. I like the idea of seeing how superheroes have to react in the real world when they can't just go out and save the day. Plus, the first ten minutes involve stopping a suicide attempt. How many animated children's movies would even think of going that far.  

#13: 8 Mile: I like a good underdog story, and to me 8 Mile offered a variation you don't typically get to see. The character of Rabbit is a relatable character because I'm sure a lot of us have been in his position at some point. The story in the movie isn't necessarily the most original, but it is presented in a way that lets me get behind the story as a whole, especially with the way the movie ends. 

#12: Sin City: Sin City is quite possibly the most violent movie I've ever seen. For me this was one of those comic book movies chock full of fantastic performances. Mickey Rourke gets the best story and character with Marv. Clive Owen is great as Dwight. Bruce Willis is awesome as Hartigan, the one character in the movie, who seems to be straight up good. Even Jessica Alba gets to show she can actually act when she has the right role. The intertwining story lines all held my interest throughout the movie, and kept me invested, and that's all I really need from this movie. 

#11: The Avengers: The Avengers is one of those movies that I had anticipated pretty much from the moment I heard about it. I was so happy it paid off just as well as it did. The movie has one of the greatest climaxes I think I have ever seen in my entire life. Joss Whedon was the best director possible to pull this movie off, and it helps that he's an Avengers fan. I absolutely loved this movie from beginning to end, and has a huge re-watchability factor for me.  

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