Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Lazarus Effect

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I genuinely think there was a much stronger movie in here than what the final product was. The premise of the movie was interesting enough. This was lost amid sub-plots that are introduced but have no pay-off, and some pretty groan-worthy dialogue. The direction is better than the writing, but at times, it can be difficult to make out what's going on. The characters are all, in my opinion, pretty likable. Olivia Wilde gives the best performance in the movie, often showing how well she can run the gambit on emotions. For me, the idea of playing with DNA is inherently scary. This is something I feel helps the movie along because lazy jump scares are littered throughout with the occasional semi-creepy moment. The Lazarus Effect is one of those movies that really could have gone either way for me. I'm very happy to say that, despite its fair share of stumbles, I was actually able to enjoy the movie as something of a fun little popcorn horror flick. I won't say this movie is for everyone, but I do think it'll be worth a rent. If it sounds like it’s your thing, check it out.

7 /10 

1 comment:

  1. Good review! I've been curious about this one - probably will rent it sometime.
