Friday, October 11, 2019

Gemini Man

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Henry Brogan (played by Will Smith) is a hitman who finally decides it is time for him to retire. Before too long, he is forced to go on the run with an inexperienced colleague (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead) when Brogan’s higher ups worry he has been told too much about his last target. Brogan must soon battle the one person who can truly match him, a younger clone of himself. When I first saw the trailer, it immediately got my attention. I was curious to see how this film was going to turn out. Honestly, I really dug it. I find it interesting that the idea for Gemini Man has been floating around since the 90s, because this kind of feels like a throwback to a lot of sci-fi action movies that came out around that time, and I think that’s why this worked for me. It is well-acted, particularly by Smith and Winstead. The action is a ton of fun. It’s not perfect though. The characters aren’t super deep. There’s this sort of uncanny valley when looking at a de-aged Will Smith, and it kind of sticks throughout the movie for me. As much as I like Clive Owen as the movie’s main villain, it feels like he’s a bit underused, and his character is never fully defined. In the end, is Gemini Man a great movie? No. It is a pretty entertaining ride though. 

7 / 10

1 comment:

  1. Really? Huh. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I admit, every time I see the ad, all I can think is "lame sauce." But everyone has different taste, I guess.
