Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Halloween II (2009)

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Here it is, the last film in the Halloween franchise I have to review (for now). I said in my review for Halloween: Resurrection that there was another film in this franchise I hated. This is it. It's almost difficult for me to say exactly why. The main thing is, I absolutely hate the direction that Rob Zombie takes the Loomis character, turning him into a caricature of an unlikable asshole. I also have similar problems with Laurie Strode as a character. She doesn't really feel sympathetic to me. In no way do I want to sleight the performances, as I actually think Malcolm McDowell and Scout Taylor-Compton do the best they can with they are given. It's just the way these two characters are written. It's so interesting because I actually think the Bracketts are a lot more likable in comparison. Okay, they aren't perfect. But, with these two, the Rob Zombie-isms feel a lot more toned down in comparison. Once again, I have to give props to Tyler Mane as Michael Myers. Though, I have to ask: Did we really need to hear him talk? It feels like that just takes some of the scariness out of the character. Again, that's not on the actor who plays him. I think that's a lot more on Rob Zombie's writing. The dream sequence stuff is weird, and doesn't really feel right to me in this movie, and in the universe of Halloween that Zombie has set up. I think the big thing for me is just that this is a Halloween movie. If this were some random slasher movie that Rob Zombie decided to make, I probably wouldn't have such a negative reaction. It works better for me if I just look at this as a Rob Zombie movie because he has a distinct style whether you like it or not. I almost appreciate that he does his thing with this movie. That's why I think I hate Resurrection more. This movie has more ambition to it. There's a bit more creativity in what Rob Zombie sets out to do. That doesn't mean I enjoy this, but it's one where my thoughts have changed ever so slightly. 

3 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting. I find Resurrection edges out this one in terms of my preferences, mainly because at least that one is funny, even as it is a steaming pile of shit. It's a funny steaming pile of shit. I do really think that given what they have to work with, MOST of the acting in this film is actually pretty good. I just hate the movie.
