Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Halloween (2007)

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This 2007 remake was written and directed by Rob Zombie. The film has the daunting task of trying to stand out against the original classic. Starting things off with the positives, I actually appreciate that the film tries to do something completely different from the original, at least in the first half. The film explores Michael's backstory. I understand that it is a very divisive choice for fans of the franchise, but I do think it's that first half I like a little bit better, especially when we get to the hospital segment. In my eyes, a remake that offers nothing new is one of the worst things a filmmaker can do, because it automatically renders that remake pointless. Rob Zombie's Halloween doesn't do that. A lot of the acting is actually pretty solid. Tyler Mane is excellent as Michael Myers. The guy is gigantic and gives Myers a sense of terrifying brutality. Brad Dourif and Danielle Harris are also really good in their roles as Sheriff Brackett and his daughter Annie respectively. While I don't love all of the choices they make with Doctor Loomis, I do have to give credit to actor Malcolm McDowell. He genuinely gives the part his all. The director's cut has perhaps one of my least favorite scenes. I feel like I have to bring this moment up because the director's cut is the more widely accessible version of the film. It's a moment I genuinely just find unpleasant. To be fair, that may also be the idea, as that is largely Rob Zombie's gimmick. Overall, I do enjoy this movie. I definitely recognize that it's got some problems, but I still genuinely enjoy it.

7 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the scene which you refer to is almost universally hated among both lovers and haters of this film. Pretty much no one likes or appreciates it. Zombie fail.
