Friday, October 25, 2019

Zombieland: Double Tap

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Zombieland: Double Tap takes place ten years after the events of the first film. If there is any flaw that can be levied against this film, it would be that it isn’t as fresh as the first film (something that is very difficult for a sequel to accomplish). However, I still had a ton of fun with this movie. I didn’t go into it expecting something groundbreaking. I went into it wanting a film that was just going to be fun. Even after all these years, I still feel like the cast is having a ton of fun in their roles. The chemistry is still clearly there. I also love the new addition of Zoey Deutsch as Madison. In the hands of a less capable actress, this character would probably be grating. But, she’s a ton of fun. I’m glad the zombies have actually evolved in this film, and are broken down into subcategories. I also love the fact that there were actions taken by the characters during the first film’s events, and they have some acknowledgment in this film. I can’t say it’s as quotable as the first movie, but it’s still a lot of fun, and I really have to recommend this film to fans of the first movie. If you liked Zombieland, you’ll like Zombieland: Double Tap. 

8 / 10 

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