Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

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Out of all of the movies in the Halloween franchise, I feel the most conflicted towards Halloween 5. I have seen this movie multiple times. Yet, every time I see it, I like it less and less. It feels like, all of the flaws just seem to shine through more and more. There are elements to this film I like (namely the performances by Danielle Harris and Donald Pleasance). I also quite like the ventilation scene near the end of the movie. I have mixed feelings towards the Tina character. A lot of fans absolutely hate her. I just never cared about her one way or the other. I should also note that I don't particularly care for Michael's mask once again in this film. It looks like an alien. Ellie Cornell as Rachel feels like she's underused. I should also note that I don't like that the film kills the character off so early. I don't like the addition of the two bumbling comedic relief cops. The comedy surrounding them just doesn't hit for me. The addition of the man in black doesn't really work for me either. The film was written by director Dominique Othenin-Girard, as well as Michael Jacobs and Shem Bitterman. I bring up the writers because, supposedly, the man in black character was added as a solution when they wrote themselves into a corner, and I think it kind of shows. Halloween 5 is not a god-awful movie by any means, but it is definitely one of my lesser favorites in the franchise.

4 / 10 

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