Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Alien (1979)

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Alien is a far cry from the mega action films the sequels were. Alien may not have had the blazing guns and action sequences Aliens did, but the film was able to provide a chilling atmosphere, and remains one of the most frightening movies about space travel you can find. The alien itself was rarely seen for most of the film, allowing the unseen and the unknown to drive the majority of the movie. The actors all know what they’re doing. As always, Sigourney Weaver is absolutely incredible as Ellen Ripley. Praise, however, has to be given to Ian Holm, who played Ash. Ash himself is an interesting and layered character, a character you can sympathize with, but to extent, you fear him too. When you really see the alien for the first time, it comes at just the right time in the movie. It manages to shock you, and makes you realize that, at this point, nobody’s truly safe. The scene sticks with you in every way possible, which is, in large part, what makes it the most memorable scene in the movie. The set of the spaceship looks incredible too. The shadows in every corner of the ship add to the atmosphere. It may not seem like it if you’ve never seen an Alien movie, but this first entry is a straight up horror film, and definitely worth watching. 

10 / 10  

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