Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Idle Hands (1999)

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One might normally balk at the idea that Idle Hands offers up. Admittedly, a movie about a serial killer hand sounds incredibly stupid, and it is. The movie, for the most part though, doesn’t really try to play the concept straight. Idle Hands is a horror-comedy hybrid with a dark, twisted sense of humor. The tone can be consistent, but occasionally strays. The beginning feels like straight horror, and up till the hand actually reveals itself, the movie seems to shift into a stoner comedy. The acting, for the most part is pretty good. Even Jessica Alba isn’t terrible. The characters in the film never seem particularly smart, which actually works in the film’s favor. Seth Green and Elden Henson steal the movie as two lazy, undead stoners. Props should be given to the film’s prosthetics and makeup effects, which look incredible. Idle Hands isn’t going to be for everyone, but there’s plenty for a lot of people to like. Horror nuts will most likely love seeing what I think is intended to be an homage to Evil Dead 2, the original horror-comedy, though they may not like the general lack of gore. Comedy fans and horror fans alike will no doubt laugh their asses off. As for everyone else, this probably isn’t your movie. Idle Hands knows what it is, and takes off from there. 

7 / 10   

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think Seth Green kinda stole the show in this flick.
