Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Compared to the rest of the reviews written so far this month, Sleepy Hollow is the guiltiest of the bunch. Here is a movie that showed when Tim Burton and Johnny Depp were still in top form. The best part of this movie is the dark sense of humor that Burton layers beneath the dark, gothic imagery. Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci have a chemistry that one can so rarely find in a horror film. It’s one the rare times where a director takes an existing source material, makes it his own, and it actually works in his favor. I feel this is because Tim Burton understands that the original Irving story still had a sense of fun in the middle of a bizarre mystery. Elements of the story are added to the film, very much in a way that pays homage to the original Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The movie is a fun time as part of a Halloween marathon if you can buy into the overall silliness of the movie.

6 / 10 

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