Thursday, October 1, 2015

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

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This was easily, my most anticipated movie of 2014, I had high hopes for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Thankfully, the movie more than delivered what I was hoping for. The action wasn’t CG’ed beyond belief. It actually was very well-grounded. There were some elements of CGI, but the movie also struck a good balance with some pretty impressive practical effects, as well. Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson have an undeniable spark in their chemistry. Johansson’s Black Widow is essentially the female lead, and she’s not the love interest, something that doesn’t happen very often. I also have to admit, it is kind of refreshing, too. Anthony Mackie as Falcon was a welcomed addition to the cast. His continued performances make me believe he may just be the next Will Smith. The man is never lacking in charisma, and is one of those actors I can walk away from a movie saying he was good in it. The chemistry Anthony Mackie shared with Chris Evans was just as good as Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. It was also nice to see Cobie Smulders and Samuel L. Jackson get a little more to do, especially because before they felt shoved to the side. Sebastian Stan is also incredible in the movie.  The movie took some twists and turns I didn’t see coming, which I will always respect from a story-telling standpoint. The Russo Brothers really handled the material they given well, which should be commended because they come from a comedic background, and handled their first major action blockbuster (which also happened to be a Marvel movie) like champs, and I cannot wait to see what they can do with Civil War. 

10 / 10 

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