Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gone Girl (2014)

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Once again, David Fincher doesn’t disappoint. Gone Girl is a harrrowing, realistic, and unpredictable movie. I may even sound a lot like a broken record at this point, but David Fincher is my favorite director working today, and this movie does provide extreme evidence as to why. Every time you think you know where the film is going, a new twist is thrown in. Ben Affleck is an actor that, I’ll admit, I’ve never really been a big fan of. This movie, and his performance in the film, have made me completely rethink my opinion of him as an actor. Another actor who delivers an awesome performance in the film that has never really impressed me before is Tyler Perry. The actors are all-around spectacular. The entire cast shines. But, I have to be honest, this is Rosamund Pike’s movie. Pike delivers a career best performance. Fincher is the only director I am convinced could have even pulled this movie off. It really carries that dark, twisted, almost uncomfortably funny tone that a lot of the movies from his past filmography tend to carry in spades. The movie mocks the people who only ever accept one side of the story, as well as those who try to convince you that there is only one side to the story. It feels like what happens if you were to mash up Seven, Fight Club, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Zodiac all into one movie, but still find a way to keep it fresh and new. I can't really compare this movie to the book it's based on because, unfortunately, I never read it. The movie does stand on its own very well though, and that's one of the biggest compliments I can give it. I also have to compliment the movie's music, because Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross deliver a truly haunting score. Gone Girl is a film that sticks with you, and you will find yourself thinking about the movie after you’ve finished. In short, it will leave you speechless, and even questioning the person you are sitting with.  

10 / 10 

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