Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Social Network (2010)

The Social Network might just be David Fincher’s best ensemble piece. The score is almost haunting. Every actor manages to make a good impression. Jesse Eisenberg shows that he is more than just a one-trick pony. Andrew Garfield seems to come out of nowhere, completely stealing the show. Justin Timberlake manages to bring out an incredible performance, and I would like to note the irony of a famous musician playing the founder of Napster. Armie Hammer gives an underrated performance, perhaps due to later work. This, for me, was the first movie that really showcased just how talented Rooney Mara was, indicating to me that working with David Fincher might be a good thing for this young woman. This is a movie for this generation. I say this because I am definitely part of the Facebook generation. I was in middle school when it really started to blow up, and was a freshman in high school when this movie first came to theaters. This isn't Fincher's darkest movie, but it definitely carries some of those elements that Mr. Fincher is known for. Mark Zuckerberg isn't exactly shown in the best light in this movie, but you can't really help but like him because of his cocky attitude. At least, that's the way I looked at it when I watched the movie. This has quickly become an absolute favorite for me. It never really drags, and always manages to keep my interest.   

10 / 10 

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