Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Gremlins (1984)

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Gremlins is a truly a rare film you will find. The movie ended being, basically, a horror movie for children. Gremlins also happens to be the most disturbing children’s Christmas movie you will ever see. The only reason it was even made for children was, quite simply, the movie going over-budget. The gremlin puppets are fantastic-looking, and they still manage to hold up. The gremlins are hilarious to watch in all the manic evil they cause. The human characters do come off as pretty bland, however, aside from Mr. Wang. The old asian guy who runs the shop is memorable, and kind of fun. The rest of the humans seem to have no characteristics. The fact that the humans have no character is more than made up for by the fact that each of the gremlins and mogwai each have their own personality, so that you can tell them apart. There’s not too much more to say. It’s a fun horror film that you can both on Halloween and on Christmas. It’s a fun movie that definitely deserves at least a watch. 

9 / 10 

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