Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Urban Legend (1998)

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In my opinion, Urban Legend is a very underrated slasher flick. The film builds this great atmosphere, especially with the first two acts really showing the possibility that the protagonist may or may not be going crazy. I like the creative ideas for how the killers takes their victims (i.e. urban legends). The film also features cameos from genre veterans Robert Englund and Danielle Harris. Ultimately, the third act somewhat rushed. It’s not bad in my opinion, but it kind of lets the atmosphere from the first two acts down. The acting is pretty good, which is very rare for a slasher flick. That said, the end of the film also manages to go bat-s**t insane. It might go on a little long. The scene in the car probably could have been completely cut out of the film. I wish I could’ve seen a little more of Robert Englund than I did. The look of the killer is really cool, especially considering the fact that this movie takes place in Maine in the fall, so fur lined coats are pretty common. All in all, the atmosphere was well-done, but did taper off at the very end, but in my eyes, Urban Legend is still worth the watch around Halloween.

8 / 10      

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